Generally speaking, I have not had much luck winning any of the many Christmas-time contests. Finally, I broke the losing streak by winning a 24" Monitor from ViewSource.
I cannot download an image for some reason, but it is nice, and my daughter, who works from home twice a week, is excited.
I tried hard to win my son tickets to the Super Bowl, but no luck.
I have a major birthday this month, 75 yo. We are having a Mexican Food Birthday Buffet at my son's house.
I have had a particularly hard time hearing at my son's house because of the open ceiling to the second floor and the tile flooring. I will get to try out my new hearing aids there. Since my son bought them for me, I really hope they will allow me to hear conversations there.
I've turned off all the news pages I used to read online. I know it's wrong to play ostrich when things aren't going your way, but I am truly afraid for our country's future.
I swiped this from Debra's post on Aliens because this is exactly how I'm feeling.
More later ...