Continuing to get prepared - just in case. I filled up my car and got cash. I texted my kids and their spouses reminded them that when the electricity goes off, there is a good chance that ATM and Bank links will go down which means you can't buy gas, or check into a hotel, let alone wash your clothes, or keep the freezer from melting.
My previous experience has been that if you fill the bathtub with water, you will be able to flush the toilet. Also placing milk jugs of water in the freezer will keep items cool for a while and then you can also use those jugs to drink, bathe or flush after it stops keeping the freezer cool.
My friend around the corner has already brought her small stuff in. She has a lot of those really big tree size pots. I think they are probably to heavy to move except for maybe pushing them up against the wall. In fact there are a lot of plants around here in those really big pots. My first hurricane living here so I'll have to see what all happens.
I've been considering what I will do with my plants. I really don't want to lose my ferns so I'll bring them in but the rest I may just dump in the front flower bed and then repot what I can find that is still alive when this is over.
I'm not panicking but I'd like to have a few plans in place to choose from. You remember the pictures I shared of Hurricane Harvey? Well I'm still in the same general area. In fact, anywhere can be a flood zone when the rain clouds stall out over you.
Still wishing I had a battery operated fan. Going to look into that for next year.
I watched part of the RNC Convention. I missed most of it but I did see Tim Scott, black Senator from South Carolina. He gave a great speech and I believe we will see more of him in politics. However, even though I respected the person, I did not agree with what he saw in this president.
I read this, and I think it to be true. Republicans and Democrats do not see the last four years in the same way. Many Republicans that think DT has done a good job. We know he has kept a good portion of his base and I guess that is why. We just see it differently.
I think it is similar to an accident with 12 witnesses. Police say that 12 witnesses often give 12 different descriptions of the perpretator. Some descriptions might be similar but others can be total opposites.
I think that is what is happening. We are each digesting what we see and hear differently.
But enough of politics, I will continue to watch the RNC because I want to know what they are thinking and what they see. I also expect a greater televised event and that interests me.
And finally, my Buddy. The idiot has learned how to crawl under the couch from the backside but cannot get out the front so I have to go and pick a corner of the couch out so he can get out. Next time I'll get a picture. Appears I am not the only one who has gained weight during the virus!
More later....