Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Catching up

 I know it's been forever since I posted.  Here are a few pictures to catch you up. 

First, Buddy Boy.  

I was doing a massive cleaning the other day.  I had put the dog beds outside to "air out" so Buddy had no bed or blankets to lay on.  Smart guy that he is, he jumped on the towels I had gathered up to wash after the Grand Girls stayed, and made himself a little bed.  

Speaking of Grand Girls, they've come over alone and together a couple of times.  Then last week, after the pool opened, they spent four days.  Since they are both under 16, I had to stay at the pool with them which was better than I hoped it might be.  I brought the new Jo Nesbo novel and settled in under the sunshade. 

My daughter did move into my complex and we're both enjoying it.  I was tasked with feeding her new rescue, Bowie, while she was out of town and there was a little accident.  

I sent her a text with a picture.  She took it well.  Anyone who has a big puppy knows they make big puppy mistakes. 

I've been enjoying my two aquariums.  I have one with guppies only (above) and the other with large Black Skirted Tetras.  I'll get a picture of them for next time. 

Also been doing a little planting and enjoying the sunshine my corner spot provides - until this heat wave.  My electric bill doubled this month.  Not happy about that.  

Now, however, the plants are getting too much heat and I will have to rearrange the area under the stairs to get some more of them into partial shade.  

That's about it, folks.  More later .... 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023



Buddy says our lives have been pretty boring over here.  

The Grand Girls came over for Spring Break.  Ok, so that wasn't so calm.  The great thing about this apartment complex is that it is about 5 minutes from my Son's work.  He can come over at lunch whenever he wants to get away from the office.  He can also chauffer the girls to my house and drop them off in the morning and pick them up after work or in a couple of days. Which is what we did and it worked perfectly.

She loves that Hot Glue Gun.  We made 3 different trips to Dollar Tree for various supplies for the two of them.  Super fun visit. 

Other good news, the Daughter may move into my apartment complex.  She came over and looked at a couple of places.  I would be so happy if she moved here.  I'm trying not to push her.  Ok, maybe a little nudge to choose my place. 

I've spent a lot of time recently buying plants and potting them.  I've also got new bird feeders and a bird bath.  I'll take pictures soon.  

More later ... 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Bruce Willis and Dementia

 This is difficult to talk about so I'm going to jump right in.  

For some time I have been concerned about my brain.  I have been a lifelong reader but it is very hard for me to read now.  It is not that I cannot comprehend what I am reading but it is hard for me to absorb it.  My brain doesn't feel right about understanding and saving the information.  

I did talk to my doctors over the years, and this has gotten slowly, slowly worse, but my doctor said essentially there are so many things that can go wrong with the brain besides dementia. Case in point is the lack of oxygen to the brain by diabetes.  

I really can't remember what I read about diabetes and the brain but just guessing I might be a prime candidate.  

My birthday is this week and I will be 73.  Shit!  Guess that is old enough for a lot of my brain and body to start falling apart. Ha. 

I've been meaning to explain why I don't read or respond as much anymore.  I can only say it makes my brain feel uncomfortable.  

I have both my doctor appointments in early March.  I will talk to them again, just to make sure they are watching out for me.  

I'm not going to fret over it although I would share the old saying, "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my brain the most." 

Worst case scenario, I've got my guide dog. 

Hahaha.  Not Buddy but it looks and sounds like him.  

More later .... 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Oh Where Oh Where has Barbara been?

 Hi again.  Thanks Marie for giving me a nudge.  It has been quite a while but not much has been happening to write about.  

Buddy and I are doing well and still like the apartment. We've had some nice cool weather so the Grand Girls insisted we buy Buddy a new winter coat and some socks.  

They are still painting and improving the apartment complex, making me nervous after my old apartments were sold out from under us. 

My blood sugar is doing relatively well.  Although the other day I forgot to charge my insulin pump so it shut down and quit releasing insulin.  I \woke up with sky-high blood sugar.  Lesson learned.  Like an EV car, I can only run so far without plugging in.  

Buddy and I did go to a nearby dog park recently.  He was pretty good except his preference was to run up and down the fence line separating the little dogs and big dogs barking at all the big dogs and darned if they didn't come over to check him out.  

I haven't been entering any contests so no wins to report.  I did read a great book which I can recommend entitled Picture in the Sand by Peter Blauner.  It is set in 1950s Egypt during the time Cecil B DeMille was there filming The Ten Commandments.  

That's it for now.  More later .... 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Looks like a Shorts and Sandals kind of Christmas down here

Hi Again.  I just watched a Hallmark-type Christmas movie called The Noel Diary that was just so darn cute.  I never watch this type of movie, I am a mystery or police procedural kind of girl. Don't really know how this even got turned on but enjoyed watching it. My only  Christmasy movie so far.  Saving both versions of the Bishop's Wife for a special night in.   

Also watched two episodes of Harry and Megan.  In most of the British programs I've watched, there seem to be many mixed-race couples, especially in the soaps.  I didn't realize they had such a race issue over there.  I guess it is because he is a Royal.  

 I feel sorry that there has been so much negative press attacking her.  She seems like a nice person but who in the heck really knows.  I remember her from Suits long before Harry came around.  When you see the clips with the Paps stalking Diana it makes you wonder why they (the Royals) let that harassment go on.  I think it is because the English seem to be big-time readers of what we call the rag sheets.   

I don't like personal attacks. I don't like fake news.   

It's not a problem I can solve but it is one I can be an influencer in my little way and accept all races, religions, and gender choices, and show acceptance of any person's right to choose.  

I'm happy in this new apartment.  Buddy and I are keeping busy with our Buddy walks.  I found a big stick which I use to shepherd him when he wants to stop and bark.  So while we are walking, I started twirling this stick (at least to the extent of my ability) then it dawned on me that the Artist Grand Girl who is turning 13 this month might like twirling.  

I ordered her some batons for her birthday. Pack of four, so she would have extra to play with friends.  She sent me a picture of her trying to twirl. Such a time of change.  She is searching for what she wants to do and who she wants to be.  She is so amazing.  I just love her.  

Now, of course, I have to buy a real baton to keep up with her if she does get really interested.
I haven't been reading or writing much lately.  Hope you all forgive me.  My brain does not seem to be working at full capacity these days.

More later ...

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Shirley strikes again

A couple of weeks back Shirley posted a video of Pharrell Williams singing "Happy". I think everyone will admit this tune makes you want to tap your toe, if not get up and dance. It stuck in my head for a couple of days until I finally downloaded the song on my Ringtone Maker and now, you got it, I dance all the way to answer the phone.  

Snow White without his seven dwarfs.  

Things have been brilliant around here.  I had my eyes examined and they were great for a person with Type 1 Diabetes. I did have an increase in my reading prescription, enough to warrant a new pair of glasses.  

Surprisingly the price has not increased that much but still out of my pocket-change budget.  I started looking at glasses online.  Have you ever ordered online? 

The exciting part is you can now upload a photo of yourself on each glasses web page to see how they would look on you.  It seems you can get frames pretty inexpensively but the progressive lens is still up there in price.  

I did find one pair that I really liked and looked good on my facial photo but darn it, I can't remember what website it was.  Dadgum it. 

Does anybody have first-hand experience with any of these sites?  

More later. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Happy Halloween

    Hope you had a Happy Halloween.  I had no trick or treaters so I have a bowl full of Tootsie Rolls (thank you Margaret) that jumped out at me in the grocery store.  And they were the good ones - the size of a thumb not a pencil. You forget how really good they are until you taste one again.  Here. Have one.  Try it.  

Speaking of old favorites:  When I was a youngish lass with long hair and girlish charm, I always used Herbal Essence in a tall green bottle.  I loved the smell and as my hair flipped around my face I would get sniffs of the delicious scent. So, after diligently searching for the old product online, I emailed Herbal Essence and asked them if it was around anywhere.  No, they wrote me back but you might like this and that, and here are some coupons.  I appreciated their reply and the coupons but still wish for that shampoo.  Do you remember it?  

This weekend my Son switched our phone plan to combine your, mine, and ours telephone bills he was paying.  We are now on ATT after being on a great PCS package.  I won't go into what took 4 hours and 2 different ATT stores to get my service, except to say they required me to buy a new phone because my old Samsung was 3G and we were on a 5G plan now.  Of course, I did not want to wait to order a new phone off the internet where I could get a better price because I want my service hooked up right away.  So I bought the new phone, and I'm still in the phase where you have to reopen each app with the password you can't remember.  

But that's not the story.  While I was sitting at the first ATT store and they were doing what they do, I looked over at the big TV playing and there was a youngish girl standing in front of a display in a drug store with those large green bottles of Herbal Essence.  This is close as I could find to the bottle I'm talking about.  

I found this picture on Ebay.  The bottle sells for $40
and if you can enlarge the writing is from Greece.

I yelped when I saw the bottles and everyone looked at me so I had to explain about the shampoo to the ATT girl who was just a glimmer in her grandmother's eye when the movie was made (original Halloween, I think) and ATT girl didn't know nor did she care about Herbal Essence's original scent. 

So that's my share ... and this 

More later ...

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

I Voted

 Early voting started yesterday, I think, and I made it to the polls around lunchtime.  Since I'm in a new part of town I had a new voting place.  It was a newly remodeled Hotel very near the house and I really appreciate the convenience.  The hotel was glittery, glam, and shining everywhere.  It had a stream for floating around the pool and then a smallish pool inside that.  It would be fun to take the Grand Girls and spend one night next summer.  

As for voting, OMG.  Harris County, Texas had 104 separate contests to vote for.  It took two legal pages to print out your results and then you took it to another scanner to enter the results.  My fingers don't have enough electric charge in them so I often have to push selections more than once.  Luckily I didn't have to push all 104 selections twice. 

We have a hot race here between the current governor Greg Abbott (I'm sure you've heard of some of his hard-nosed tactics) and Beto O'Rourke (the more liberal contender).  I don't think Beto has a chance except if enough people find Abbott too right-wing.  So just like I voted against Trump and not for Hillary, I voted against Abbott and not for Beto.  That is American politics these days for me.  

I also went by the YMCA to find out what senior classes they had and what membership entails.  That dadgum Shirley makes me feel guilty every time I see her exercise pictures.  I know that is what I should be doing but that devil on my shoulders has not gotten with the program.  

They are doing major gussy-up chores around the Apartment Complex.  New shingles, pressure washing bricks, sanding any peeling on staircases.  Things that really should be done to keep the apartment looking good but honestly I did not see a problem until they started the water blasting and then Whoa.  It looks so much better.  

Since they sold the Senior Apartments out from under us, I am nervous when I see being done.  Rent is so expensive here, as I am sure it is everywhere and I really don't want to have to move again because of the price of rent.   The lady above me has lived here 15 years.  I guess that is a pretty good reference.  I intend to stay here for quite a while, "If the Good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise." 

I lost Buddy's sweaters about 2 moves ago so I had to think of something when the cold front blew in.  I purchased a large sweatshirt from the resale store, cut off the arm, snipped here and there ..... and Buddy has a new sweater.  

More later ...  

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

All is Well

I love this picture of Buddy.  The youngest Grand Girl kept trying to put doll clothes on him, much to his chagrin.  

Things are great here at the new apartment.  For all practical purposes, everything is in place.  Still waiting on a couple of wicker baskets I ordered online.  Hope they are the right size.  

Speaking of online ordering, I ordered new heavier drapes for the living room from Target because the sun is so bright in the mornings.  I miss the crisp look of the sheers but I think they will make sense to keep the temperature of the living room balanced.  Anyway, the story is that I ordered two packages of the same curtains from Target.  The box arrived with two different curtains, one the right curtains and the other not even close.  I took the wrong set back to the store but apparently not only were they the wrong curtain but they had been charged to another account.  The young girl took a little bit to figure out how to credit everything since we did not have the other account number but she thought she got it all straightened out.  I'll have to look the credit card statement over carefully when it comes (online).  

Further speaking of which, I read that they are going to curtail return policies at some stores.  I am the Queen of returns.  If it doesn't fit, the color, size or texture is wrong, back it goes.  With clothing stores, it is their fault for having crappy little dressing rooms.  For kitchen and household items, I am guilty of buying the same thing I already have.  Since I barely cook and then it is only for one, two of most items is a waste on me.    My sisters never return and when we were younger and all living near we would trade clothes from time to time.  My youngest sister often shared clothes that still had the tag on it because she refused to do returns. 

The good news on that sister is her cancer is in remission and she is scheduled to have three surgeries to replace the veins/nerves on the side of her face.  She really suffers from her face sagging and she says that her hair is coming back totally different but she won't share a picture of it yet.    

My other sister took me to a resale shop in her part of town this week.  I think it is run by a church because it had a lot of stuff that appealed to me - grandmother pieces.  I got this burnt umber vase that I LOVE and it was a steal.  Makes me so happy.  Now if I could just afford fresh flowers.  Hahaha.

I've started entering Contests again.  I had been on such a dry streak and the prizes were kind of pitiful for a while so I just took a vacation from entering.  The prizes are starting to pick up and by next month there should be a lot ending on December 31.  We'll see.  

It's Chilly in Texas.  I even put on a sweater to walk Buddy.  Of course, I still had shorts on. Haven't pulled winter out and probably won't until after January.  My retired lifestyle rarely requires long sleeves or long pants.  Yes, I have become that person.  Stripes and plaids are next.

More later ...

Friday, October 14, 2022

New Apartment

Buddy has never been a great lover of car rides.  Maybe because he is so small and cannot see out the window.  During the last few days of the move, he was getting anxious whenever I left so I started taking him when possible.  I think it made the new place seem more familiar after we made half a dozen trips back and forth to carry plants and lamps and he seems to have adjusted to car rides and the new apartment.

I'm in the new apartment and have mostly unpacked and put things in place.  It's fun/a a drag to find new favorite places - grocery, gas, hair, etc.  Speaking of which, I did get a fresh cut at Great Clips. 

Even though I found a lady by the old apartment I liked, her schedule had become sporadic so it was hard to plan a drive back there.  You know the problems of finding a new person.  On the day I tried this new lady at Great Clips my hair had freaked out and was sticking out all over.  I have never seen it like this.  An argumentive teenager. Consequently, I got the haircut from Hell but it's ok.  It will grow out. 

Buddy likes the new apartment too.  Lots of Hispanics and many (but not all) love a good chihuahua.  

I had to put together a 5-shelf metal shelf last night.  It was a struggle but I got it done.  Now I just have the (sigh) bedroom's small walk-in closet to finish.  

This apartment is like a dollhouse.  The layout is great but every room/closet is proportionately smaller than in a normal apartment.  I got rid of a lot before I moved and so much more after I got here.  I kept putting furniture outside with a free sign on it and one by one they were taken.  Only one printer table and one picture were left.  I was pretty pleased to recycle the things I did not want without having to pack them to Good Will.  

More later ... 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

On the Move

 The move is finally near.  I pick up the keys tomorrow, my daughter and I move the plants and curtains this weekend, and the movers come on Tuesday.  

It was a long hard search for a new apartment.  All the senior complexes had waiting lists but I signed up for several and will stay on the lists in case a better offer awaits me.  

The apartment I settled on was nothing like what I started out looking for.  A totally different part of town but once I got there, I could see it would be the perfect location between two major highways.  Now I can visit my sister and friends off one highway and visit my Son or Daughter off the other highway.  Also, Son's office is very close so he can come by for lunch whenever he wants.  Also, during school breaks, it will be perfect for him to drop off and pick up Grand Girls.  Yes, there was a method in my madness.  

The apartment is very small, under 600 feet.  It is very similar, although laid out better, than the garage apartment that I loved so much, so I think I will be happy.  

It is also on the ground floor, which was another factor that made apartment shopping so difficult.  Now poor Buddy, nor poor me, will have to climb the stairs.  

Fresh paint and carpet always makes a place more inviting.  The complex looks nice from the street but you can tell its been around for a long time once you are inside.  For the price, it is just right.  And it is accidentally cheaper than I was looking for which is a miracle in this housing market.  

I had to get rid of my large couch which my son took for his garage/man cave and my new desk which my youngest Grand Girl inherited.  I have thrown away and donated so much.  When I took the donation to the place the young guy said "All this?"  Hahaha. Yes. 

The strangest part is the various odds and ends of furniture I am loath to get rid of.  I don't know why and I'm pretty sure they won't work in the new place but I'm having the hardest time packing them off the goodwill. 

I haven't been reading or posting for months it feels like but I was so sick of the internet after apartment searching that I could not do both.  Anyway, I will be back in the swing of things next week or so. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Quick Update

I am in the pre-packing phase.  In other words, I am searching for things I can donate or trash.  As of today, I have no idea where I am moving.  My daughter has moved to Kingwood which is one of those planned communities on the outskirts of Houston.  As the name implies, the roads and subdivisions are actually cut into a forest area.  

The apartment I had looked at with the ducks and deer is about 15 minutes from her house and she is another 15 or 20 minutes from the son's house.  There is an apartment complex in her area that I am going to look at.  The problem is knowing what rate to pay now that won't have me moving again next year for being priced out.  Rent is so high here because of the big companies that have moved here.  

Btw, I dog sat for the son while he was on vacation and made the 2+ hour round trip to his house for several days.  One day I missed a turn and went a completely different direction home.  On that route, I passed by the Amazon Warehouse they built here.  I may have been on the wrong side of the road but there were very few cars or Amazon trucks there.  If the trucks were out on delivery, wouldn't there be driver's personal cars there?  Interesting.  

My Kroger has started making the Tillamook Pimento Cheese I like again, and I am so excited.  

I had my doctor visit last week.  I scored a 7.1 on my A1C.  This is excellent for me.  Go Insulin Pump. 

The little girls visited me only once this summer.  It is so sad that they are growing up and making a life with friends and combined families.  I mean it is good for them, lonesome for Nana.  

So, my moving plans are spread out like a tree branch.  There is still the affordable apartment in the works.  There is the ducks and deer senior apartment in the woods I put a down payment on.  There is the new apartments in the Forest near my daughter that I have to go see when it is not raining.  Maybe tomorrow.  And, of course, there is the bedroom at my daughters if what I want is not available. 

I'm glad my numbers are good because this little bit of decluttering and carrying to my trunk or the garbage bin is wearing me out.  Hahaha.  

I've been binging the tv series Alone.  The last year (8) is on Prime or Netflix but the older seasons are on the Discovery+ channel.  I'm really digging it.  Like Survivor for Grownups but your alone instead of a team.  

More later ...

Monday, July 25, 2022

The Times, Chat Rooms and Suntans

 I'm having so much fun with my New York Times on-line subscription.  Since I worked in law firms most of my life, I always had free access to local newspapers and the Times.  I rode the Park N Ride bus to work downtown (A Park N Ride was a way to lower traffic on the freeways.  You drove your car to a large, designated parking lot and rode a nice Greyhound-type bus that drove straight to town and then stopped at every other street).  

Each day I would bring my tote bag with mail and magazines to read on the ride to town and I would pick up the left-over newspapers to read on the way home.  Somewhere over the years, I guess when I stopped riding the bus, I slowly forgot about newspapers.  Most recently I have been reading the internet news.  I knew that it learned your preferences and sent you the news slanted to your way of thinking. I know news reporting has been deregulated and truth is not required. But I realize now little expanded thought was required of me by just reading a blunt, grammatically incorrect headline.  

So far, I haven't been able to tell if the Times is slanted.  I seem to agree with many of its opinions but enjoy the thought provoking articles.  Don't you love it when you give an idea a "good think"?  I guess the only problem is that in my small world there are not enough opened minded people who like a good discussion on that think.  

As part of the redesigning my life process, I am trying new things.  I joined Match.com when they ran a somewhat cheaper 3 month subscription.  Fail.  Not many men out there dying to meet me.  Ok, I can accept that without hurt feelings.  Next, I have joined an online sight offered by UnitedHealthcare.  It doesn't have as many members as the AAA site that keeps mailing me but I did find one or two programs that interests me.  

There is a TV and Movie group.  A man was discussing rewatching the Barney Miller tv series.  I remember liking this program and it was interesting to hear about this and other entertainment that are discussed.  I am a British program aficionado so I'll be looking for people who like them.   I really don't have the "feel" for this chatting with strangers yet but I'm going to give it a try.  

I also talked to a lady involved with a group that writes letters to shut-ins.  I have the first Zoom meeting this week.  Not a big fan of Zoom but I can remember when I was not a big fan of leaving voice mails and look where that has taken us.  

There was another lady that volunteered to rock babies in the NICU.  I would like to do something like that - if the large parking fee was paid! 

I'm trying to expand my horizons.  Even sweeps' contests have let me down recently.  Very few that I really want and not many with big prizes.  

This is a picture of the Buddy walking shoe line suntan I've gotten so far this summer. I always wear the same sturdy Sloggers with a hat and sunglasses for Buddy walks.  Buddy always wears the same halter and leash.  We are such a fashion forward pair. 

Buddy seems to have found his appetite again.  I may be sorry about feeding him popcorn chicken.  I may find myself is a situation similar to feeding a child nothing but fries and then switching back to vegetables.  Hahaha.  

More later ...

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Ducks and Chickens, Apartments and Rent

 Some interesting things along the home front.  I love ducks and chickens.  When I was first married, we lived in the country in Louisiana, and I managed to acquire three different pairs and types of ducks and from there had a merry time raising ducks and chickens.  The chickens were all different and I hatched them from eggs, but that is another story.  

We have two smallish man-made ponds in our complex and recently during the midst of the unbelievably hot summer I saw birds at the pond on different days.  The first bird I saw looked like something from the Heron family. When I googled it, I found this picture of a Yellow Crowned Night Heron.  Amazing. 

When I saw it, I froze, and he froze waiting to see what I would do.  I was on a Buddy Walk and luckily Buddy didn't see it and bark so I just walked on as invisibly as I could.  When I turned the corner of the building, I looked back, and he was gone.  I never heard a bird/duck call or a flapping of wings.  

To make life even more amazing a couple of days later I came upon two of what I believe to be Black Bellied Whistling Ducks. There was a pair and they had the most amazing orange-red beaks I've ever seen. Much more prominent than in this picture.

Again, I was on a Buddy Walk so we snuck on by hoping they would remain or at least come again, but sadly no.  

There are two big nature parks not far, as the bird flies, from here and I think perhaps they had a layover from there.  This was before we had a couple of light rains so I'm sure water was in deep demand for dry, thirsty birds.  

I love the pictures Marie shares and the birds and ducks are my absolute favorites.  They take me back to a very special place in my life, one that would be hard to duplicate in my present living situation. 

These are pictures of Buddy pulling his bed around the corner to the front door.  I don't know what he was trying to accomplish but I moved it back into civilization. 

Speaking of, Buddy is doing a little better.  After the chicken and rice recommendations, I went to the store to buy one of those precooked whole chickens and they had a couple of containers of Popcorn Chicken on clearance and I bought all four containers.  At first, I didn't warm them after I took a few of them out of the container in the ice box and he turned is nose up, so I warmed them, and he ate them all.  Next time I took them out of the ice box when I made my coffee so they would be room temperature by the time I finished my two cups of coffee which he knows means breakfast time.  He ate one but turned his nose up.  So, I cut them in half, and he was happy.  When I finish the containers I have, I will try whole chickens or something new.  He still eats treats and bread crust, but we will try expanding this short list. 

My daughter feeding the birds at Galveston.  
Like Margaret, it was her first visit to the beach 
since her long-time beach-loving dog passed. 

Other good news.  Recently I heard from the new apartment manager that they might be taking applications soon.  I am worried about the price even though it is an affordable housing project and I should get reduced rent.  Rent prices are incredibly high in Houston so a reduced rent could still put it out of my range.  There are companies continuing to move here making it worse.  If I was from out of state, I would never move here where the Governor is such a menace to society.  I believe he is crazier than Trump now.  

I did get a notice from my current apartments that the rent is going up $100.  That includes a $25 increase from $25 to $50 a month for pet rent!  Staying where I am was Plan C or D but that's out now.  No worries. Worst case scenario I will put my belongings in storage and camp out at either or both of my kids.  

I went out for a Buddy Walk about noon today and it was raining big fat drops with the sky completely clear and the sun out.  We needed it but could we have at least 10 minutes instead of just 5?

More later....

Monday, July 11, 2022

Hot Hot Hot

It is some kind of hot out there.  I can imagine walking beside a Conestoga wagon with the hot air blowing off the Plains.  Ok, yes I was in the high school musical of Oklahoma and can still sing that song. And, yes, I'm a child of the 1950's Western TV programs.  I could never endure the hardships of settling the West, so I don't know why it fascinates me but then I watch Survivor for the same reason.  Only with Survivor I'm smart enough to learn how to make fire from nothing before I ever volunteer for the show.  

Also, more or less along these lines, I am watching a new program called Dark Winds and it is on AMC+.  This not a Cowboy and Indian kind of show but more current in its problems and outlook.  I think the series is set in the 70s. It is taken from a series of books written by Tony Hillerman.  The of majority of Hillerman's novels are set in the Four Corners region of the Southwest, near Shiprock, New Mexico and the Navajo Nation in Arizona and extending into southeastern Uth.  

I have read all of Hillerman's books and now is daughter, Anne Hillerman, has taken up the series. The scenery is stark but beautiful and it really makes you think about how we forced the Indians into a small, stark area.  Ok, maybe not everyone is bothered by this but even as a card-carrying member of BLM, I wonder why the Indians are not likewise united in our mistreatment.  But I digress. 

I had a memory recently that falls in with the redesigning my life plan.  When my children were young and I was a working Mom with all the responsibilities of a single parent, I used to do a mass cooking on the weekend and freeze it for the week ahead.  Back then I mostly cooked those meals that children would eat without complaining but I think I can think up a few more adult friendly meals and choose a day to cook up a storm.  It is on the to-do list.  I love making lists but let's see if I follow through.  

I have finished the Benedictine book and started on The God Part of the Brain.  It got mixed reviews, but I find it interesting, though hard to read.  Debra was right.  There are many interesting religious books out there.  

I find the decline in my short-term memory to be a real problem.   I can't remember what I read an hour later, much less the next day.  I have started doing some reading on this also but, truthfully, can't remember what I read. 

Marie asked about my Buddy Boy who is holding his own.  He has lost a good deal of weight although he is now at a good weight now and should stay there.  He is having problems eating.  He has lost the majority of his teeth.  Consequently, he can no longer chew much of the dry food.  I tried putting the dried food in a blender with either milk, water or wet food.  He will eat it once or twice but then leaves it sit. I have tried different wet food from canned to packaged and, again, he'll only eat them once or twice. Right now, we are on Bella which I think is a Purina product.  I like it because it is in small trays, but it is not nearly as cost effective as dry food.  The only constant seems to be the crust off my sandwiches. Good thing I love sandwiches, but a diet of bread can't possibly be healthy for a dog.  I tried mashing it in with the wet food and he ate it, but he prefers crust to the middle white part of the bread.  

Here he is in June with the youngest Grand Girl. When I went to visit them last weekend, they invited me to bring Buddy along.  He got on well with the two labs, one chihuahua and a parrot.  Although he was jealous if one of their dogs tried to get in on HIS cuddle time with the Girls. 

More later ... 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

This and That

Gosh, I didn't realize it has been a month since I posted.  

I missed the Fourth of July and all the family to-dos because of a major sugar overdose of ice cream.  I really didn't eat that much (yeah, right) but the sugar in combination with a shortage of glucose monitor supplies sent me into a couple of days of having near death imaginings.  However, I did find out you could buy the transmitter I needed off Amazon.  What?  Diabetic supplies when your insurance won't pay for anymore?  And I just found out you can now get free GrubHub delivery with Prime membership.  Who knew? Anyway, sugar is back normal now.  

I drove out to see my son and his family yesterday.  The Artist Grand Girl has the cutest parrot.  I really love that bird and he loved my earrings, eyeglasses and fingernails.  Had a great time chomping on all three. 

Isn't he the cutest?  Unfortunately, I now know how badly I need a neck lift before we have a turkey and a parrot in the family.  

In other news, I have been doing a lot of thinking about how to redesign my life.  The little job awoke in me the need to do something, accomplish something worthwhile but not in a 9 to 5 kind of way. Volunteering is a commitment I not ready to make so I'm trying to expand my life in other ways. 

So, I've been reading a lot on a wide variety of subjects.  Religion has never been my cup of tea.  I love many things about going to church - kneeling, prayers, hymns, stained glass windows - but I've never really had Faith or belief.  I started reading "The Monastery of the Heart" by Joan Chittister which attempts to redefine the Rule of Benedict (as in St. Benedict and the Benedictine Monks) for today's searchers. It spoke to me in a way other religious texts have not.  It has given me some insight into areas I might want to pursue. 

I have also subscribed to the New York Times online.  Damn, I had forgotten what good writing was like after reading jumbled news briefs from other sources.  My brain is still not working good enough for the crossword and other games but hopefully the synapses will start snapping again. 

The knowledge that I will probably move back to the old neighborhood I lived in before they sold my apartment complex has let me anxious.  I'm the child that read the book the day after the book report was assigned because I couldn't stand it hovering over my head.  So, applying that to the apartment, I can't help but search for the new place even though I am pretty sure I will be moving to the new complex the old apartment owners are building.  It irritates me that I can't let go of that need to organize the search when I already have Plan A & B in place.  Some type of control issue, I guess. 

The water aerobics plan didn't work out.  I'm not really a germophobe but I started getting the heebie-jeebies about germs getting into the two little holes punched in my stomach by the diabetic supplies.  Speaking of, my little Sister is still undergoing Cancer treatment.  She had a port inserted high on her chest and his taking the chemo through it.  We only get snapshots of her life when she shares them.  She doesn't want company.  My middle sister and daughter want to bring laughter to her but as a rape survivor, I tell her go ahead and cry.  Your life is hard, and it hurts, while secretly I just hope she lives through it. 

I also ran across a website called Wondriumdaily when I was trying to look up something about Middle Ages England.  It has a wonderful explanation that clearly answered my question.  I don't know what all areas it covers but if you're always looking for answers on the internet, you might enjoy it too.  

Guess that catches you up for now.  More later ... 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Water Aerobics - Well Sort Of

I bought a blowup float the other day to go with my recently purchased boogie board.  Since the pools here are pretty empty during the day, I thought I would do a little water aerobics.  I have taken water aerobics several times at the Y and have enjoyed it.  For me, it is a good workout.  So off I trotted today with my big float, my book and a good attitude.  

The water was just right.  The float - kind of crazy - it kept tipping over - so I had to put my book aside where it wouldn't get wet.  The deepest part in the big pool is about 5 feet and at 5'3" it was just right.  

I disconnected my insulin pump before I left the house, and my glucose monitor can take about 30 mins of water (I don't have to take it off when I shower).  

After I figured out that I could not float and read unless I wanted to buy the book, I decided to start on the water aerobics.  I couldn't remember any of the exercises I had learned, so I jumped up and down, side to side, legs kicking forward or backward, arms waving up or down or side to side.  I figured any moves that caused water resistance would work.  I didn't want to go crazy and hurt myself or outstay my monitor's ability to withstand water, so I picked up and walked back after about 20-30 mins.  

Not much exercise but a good first step.  Now I know that (1) the water was not too cold and (2) there probably won't be anyone else there at noon.  So, Nana in her bright pink bathing suit can bring it on.

I gave myself a Big Atta Boy for making a start and now I'm ready to lay down with my book and take a wee nap.  I love that about water.  I've always wanted a nap after swimming. 

Not real exciting but that's it for now ....

Monday, May 30, 2022

You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips

Yep.  Righteous Brothers and Top Gun, in case you didn't snap to that right away.  I went to see the new Top Gun movie on Sunday of Memorial Weekend.  It was fitting and appropriate.  I'm neither big on nor dislike Tom Cruise.  I did rewatch Top Gun (I) in preparation for (II).  (I) has withheld the test of time I thought.  The chemistry between Cruise and Kelly McGillis was probably the best on-screen chemistry I have seen Cruise have.  In the new Top Gun Jennifer Connelly is the female interest.  Both are kind of natural looking women and Jennifer looked good.  Somehow her eyebrows were toned down.  Meow but I just had to make that comment.  They have always bothered me. 

I really enjoyed all the flight scenes, which was most of the movie, and to see how the air force has advanced since I haven't really kept up with the armed forces as a whole.  I enjoyed this movie as much as the first.  

One of the interesting parts about going to this movie is that I went with my daughter and her Meet Up Group.  At the urging of her wife, Daughter started her own movie group, and we were joined by three ladies and a man, so 7 in total, and went to a nearby place for lunch afterwards.  It was a very enjoyable experience and it made me realize that I might need to get out more since I am feeling better.  I am looking for other groups I might like.  

Someone parked in the parking space closest to my apartment and hasn't moved all weekend.  It really irritates me.  I like assigned parking spaces.  I guess it's part of the repetitiveness in life I enjoy.  Or maybe I'm getting to the gripey old lady stage. 

I picked up a boogie board (do they still call them that) in anticipation of going in the pool.  There is a lot of action around the pool area - kids in the day and adults at night.  I like that ladies of all sizes show up in their suits.  Makes me feel comfortable in my body too. 

My new patient assistance insulin came in for my pump use.  So thankful to have a doctor that knew about such things.  I have a bunch of novolog insulin (common for both Type 1 and 2, I think).  I would like to share this insulin since I received it for free but don't know how to reach out.  You can't advertise over facebook or free sites, I don't think and I don't know anyone else who needs it.  Any ideas to find someone in need.  This stuff is quite expensive and I hate for it to go to waste. 

More later ... 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Quick Update

 Well, my new job is over.  The Boss tried switching and/or reassigning different responsibilities and I ended up with a job I absolutely didn't want.  Apparently, my displeasure was quite apparent, which I did not mean to show, but I was very nice when asked I told her this was not the job I applied for and not the type of job I wanted.  There was all kind of technical difficulties involved which is a big problem when everything is remote and there is no IT available. So, I am mostly glad.  I will miss the money. I forgot how much fun payday was, but now I don't have to worry about making too much money for the affordable living apartment I am in line for.  

So, on the way home from handing over my keys, I decided to drop my car off at the shop because the air condition I just had fixed wasn't cooling.  I take an Uber home across town for $30.  A little while after I get home, they call and tell me they ran a diagnostic and it was cooling to 64 or some such something.  So, I take another Uber back to the garage.  The young fella wanted to charge me for running a diagnostic, but the owner waived it.  It pays to be a repeat customer.  We discuss how it could be that it didn't cool for me.  Obviously, I do know how to work my own AC. Oh well, about froze me out on the way home so it must have been some kind of error on my part.  (insert: Me shaking my head) 

Then I notice as I am about to get on the freeway that my Empty light in on.  I always keep gas in my car and don't know how this happened either.  I take one of these paid expressways to go downtown and there is no getting off and on, so I'm clinching my shoulders and behind - that's how worried I was about running out of gas.  I make it to the first gas station I see and gas is $4.59 there.  Ouch.  The card reader is out but I have a $20 bill so I buy that much. One-half tank?  What?  I have a small tank too.  Oh well, I didn't run out in the middle of the expressway so I'll take it as a win.  

Man on man, what a day.  I had three of those midget candy bars when I got home! Ha. I'm afraid to go anywhere or do anything.  If I read my horoscope this morning, I am sure it said not to get out of bed today.  Having said that ....

Life is good if you roll with the punches. 

More later. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Mostly Pictures

 I've been so busy and worn out with the new job.  Remember me who couldn't sleep and/or couldn't get up in the mornings.  Well, I've finally got a schedule again. Here is my office set up for my first day. Neat and simple. 

Here is how I pushed everything together and out of the way on Friday. 

 I have borrowed every flat service I could find around my house.  The desk I ordered arrived in a box from Target yesterday.  It is a humongous box.  I tried to bribe one maintenance man to put it together for me, but he wasn't up for it.  My daughter and I will assemble Sunday.  

Of course, Buddy has been working hard too. 

The first thing I did when I got my first paycheck is buy groceries.  With food so expensive I have only bought what I absolutely needed. This week I did a top up.  It may not look like much but for a single person that was a whole lot of items. 

My insulin pump has been doing great with minor issues from it and my Glucose Monitor.  So many little boxes to tick to get everything working together but it is heaven when it does.  I never thought I could feel this good again.  

My little sister is still suffering with her chemo.  It is so hard to believe the suffering until it affects your family. 

My middle sister had a frozen turkey she had to cook so we had an almost Thanksgiving dinner last weekend.  She sent me home with lots of leftovers and so I made Turkey and Sausage soup with 15 beans in the slow cooker.  Remember me who didn't cook - well this is not really cooking, but it threw together so well.  Yum on me. 

I'm going to try to catch up on my blog reading this weekend.  I'm about 3 weeks behind. So, you may get short answers - but then I usually do that anyway. 

Now you are caught up and since I now have a functioning brain with my pump and a good amount of energy, I hope to have some life experiences outside of this apartment to share with you soon. 

More later ...